Home Artists Joe Bamby Night

Bamby Night

Tags: Reverse Cowgirl, Bambietta Basterbine, Busty Babe, Busty,

6 August 2015
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  • joe: I heard that too. Though there's no news if they will recondsider funding/making the continuation at some point. Thanks for your feedback. :)
    18 Aug 2015 08:58
  • Haku: Bamby is glorious! It's such a shame I'll never see her in the anime. I heard they canned the anime after the Fullbringer arc because it was received really badly by the Japanese fan base. I rather enjoyed that arc too; Byakuya vs Tsukishima was a pretty cool fight even if Tsukishima did grind my nerves like a cheese grater to nipples. Anyway, wonderful pic here Joe, it's pretty awesome. Thank you.
    14 Aug 2015 23:05